
It's time for our city to be proactive, to bring access to our town, and to be accountable to projects that are set forth.

Support Businesses

Diana believes we must ensure businesses have easy access to information and communications to either start or grow their business within our city. In addition, we want our city to be a top spot for future business endeavors.

  • Citizens want to have access  to retail, entertainment, and services
  • Businesses want to know if there is potential for revenue and growth
  • Bring visitors to our area for added income and support

Riverfront Development

The city has been talking about the riverfront development for over a decade. I will ensure we meet our goals and are transparent with the citizens. We are farther than we have ever been regarding the Riverfront development. It is imperative that we not lose momentum. We need a city government that will stay on top of the progress with developers and contractors. 

Safe Affordable Housing

Diana believes families want to seek our town as a place to move to and raise their families. Safe and affordable housing is a must for our sustainability.

  • Many families struggle to find rental opportunities.
  • Improving the conditions of blighted homes helps improve property values.
  • Quality housing helps families back to our city. 

Early Childhood

Diana believes we must invest in our children. However, she knows access to Early Childhood Care and Education is scarce in our three-county area. Therefore, it is imperative to build our Early Childhood system to support businesses. Without access to high-quality Early Childhood Care and Education, we won't be able to support growth within businesses or our community.

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